Timetrics Risk Solutions

Always Prepared to Support Your Financial Strategy

Timetrics Risk is a boutique advanced analytic solutions provider, that designs customized enterprise-wide risk management and financial engineering solutions. The company was founded in 1993 and is located in New York, NY., and is proud to be a minority woman-owned small business. Timetrics Risk is an “innovator” in analytical tools, financial engineering, risk, and financial planning. Our solutions can’t be bought off the shelf— in other words, we design custom tools, tailored to the needs of each company, to derive value and target profitability and growth for each business.

Our mission is to assist clients’ businesses improve their revenue targets and profit margins, using comprehensive enterprise risk management and performance analytics to drive growth. Our services and solutions are exclusively designed and developed by Samantha S. Kumaran, British born, of Sri Lankan decent, who earned a First Class Honors, in Applied Math and Theoretical Physics, Bachelors and Masters from Trinity College, the University of Cambridge, UK, our services and solutions also layer in two decades of enterprise wide risk management.

After leaving England, Ms. Kumaran moved to the United States and started her career on Wall Street. She quickly learned that she wasn’t cut out for the 9-5 office culture, and resonated immediately with an entrepreneurial spirit. She also realized/that many of the analytics, even those in the largest banks and energy companies, or those used by off-the-shelf software vendors were based on stale or not innovative analytics and were engrained in outdated methods. and wanted to found a company that could provide “best-in-class” advanced analytical solutions. Quickly, in 1993, resigning from Wall Street, she founded her own company, Timetrics.

This quickly led to an active consulting and software services practice, that filled a unique void in advanced math analytics solutions, and boasted twenty (20) years of clients including per- forming risk management consulting services for Fortune 500 companies and other clients, including Credit Suisse First Boston, AIG, Spectron Oil, FEA, Niagara Mohawk Energy Marketing, Nomura Securities, Manitoba Hydro, ABN Amro, JPMorgan, Duke Energy Field Services, Enron, Bristol Myers Squibb, Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Nexant, Fuji Securities, Market Arts Software, Risk Advisory Canada, Blue Rock Energy, Giro Credit, UMS Advisory and Winhall Consulting.

Timetrics relishes the challenge and opportunity to serve entrepreneurs and small-mid size businesses. We are strong advocates of helping the little guy, who may not have access to the same capital, internal expertise, experience, resources, or hiring power as a large Wall Street bank, and our vision is to deliver best-in-class analytics, on the same caliber, to level the playing field, so that smaller companies and tap into the same rigor, discipline and opportunities in integrating risk management even on tight budgets. We understand the budget constraints of smaller companies and seek to offer affordable risk-free trials, that directly target their own entrepreneurial and small business growth.

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Always Prepared to Support Your Financial Strategy

Expertly Guiding Your Financial Strategy,  providing expert guidance and personalized solutions for effective wealth management.

One-Time Profit

Maximize returns quickly with our expert guidance tailored to your one-time profit goals.

Fast Round-Up

Accelerate your financial gains with expert guidance tailored to your goals.

Virtual Account

Manage finances seamlessly with secure, digital solutions.

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Schedule your consultation for personalized financial strategies.

Worked & supported by many international Risk Management services.

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  • Our Vision

    Empowering businesses with innovative risk management solutions for sustained growth and resilience.

  • Our Mission

    To provide tailored risk management solutions that empower businesses to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively.

Toby Maldonado

CEO & Founder